Epifanio 1 Epifano 2 Epifanio 3 Epifano 4 Epifanio 5 Epifanio 6 Epifanio 7 Epifanio 8 Epifanio nr 9 Epifanio nr 10 Epifanio nr 11 Epifanio 12
Epifanio 13 Epifanio 14 Epifanio 15 Epifanio 16 Epifanio 17 Epifanio 18 Epifanio 19 Epifanio 20 Epifanio 21      
All kinds of feedback is welcome. CONTACT: augustkunnapu@gmail.com

Eestikeelsed artiklid



Rebecca Jones and Nathalie Pozzi

Vilen Künnapu

Harry Pye

Lauri Sommer

Nato Lumi



Sometimes it seemed to Steiner that he had a double citizenship. One part of him, his eternal soul, belonged to the Universe. This part had travelled around the stars for millions of years, being incarnated, participating in the Great Divine Play. Due to temporary loss of memory, he could only guess all that. The other part, his current physical incarnation, belonged to planet Earth and possessed at present the citizenship of the Republic of Astoria. Steiner also had a higher self, whom he occasionally perceived quite clearly. The Higher self acted as a mediator between him and his soul. The more Steiner perceived his higher self, the more inner doors opened to him. And behind these doors...

Steiner has reached a town that resembles ruins. Hole-ridden factory buildings stood in the middle of fields, covered with creeping plants and strange glass constructions. Behind the constructions it was possible to glimpse glass lifts, curtains, colourful cones, globes and cubes. Long multicolour walls stretched out of the factories, ending in the depth of billowing cornfields. By the curved roads stood patterned yurts and conical tents. There were also bigger cylindrical buildings and stone towers, as well as rivers and forests, but above all towered glass and metal stupas, pyramids of some kind of weird milky material, and enormous bronze statues of gods.

Steiner saw his friends approaching, August, Marco, Chi, Sarapuu and Vilen. Together they walked towards the oval art museum. Art in that museum was placed so that each floor radiated different frequency. The lower floor exhibited sculptor Toomas’ wooden figures that communicated with the spirits of the earth. On the next floor there were various installations, reflecting high-frequency energy and had a healing effect. In the inner courtyard, the prominent Russian artist Ivan Rõba had erected a stupa made of wooden stakes, on which grew watermelons. Rõba was known for having constructed wooden energy towers in his home village together with local farmers, and all these towers had various fruits and vegetables growing through them. On the next floor, Sarapuu had painted numerous centaurs and a huge mermaid. The fourth floor displayed drawings and sculptures of amphibian creatures living on Sirius. The authors were African, from Dogon tribe.

Then came the floor where young architects (under 150 years of age) exhibited their models of energy complexes, flying cities and underground villages. Some models were precise copies of the temples of Atlantis, Mu and Babylonia. The friends especially liked the extremely precise copy of the Tower of Babel, made of wood, metal and precious stones. Even Vilen grunted with satisfaction.

August Künnapu. Siiriuse kass. Akrüül lõuendil, 2008.


Vilen Künnapu. Santorini vaade II.
Akvarell paberil, 2009.

Vilen Künnapu. Santorini vaade I.
Akvarell paberil, 2009.


Vilen Künnapu. Santorini vaade III.
Akvarell paberil, 2009.


Several floors were dedicated to the ancient Chinese amphibian creature Fuxi, with human head and fish’s tail. Fuxi had reputedly invented the system of trigrams and hexagrams of the “Book of Changes”. He had come from Sirius and together with his sister and wife Nü Gua, they founded the Chinese civilisation as we know it today. Seeing paintings and sculptures dedicated to Fuxi, mystic and conceptual architect Chi fell to his knees, and stayed in that position for hours. The last floor had August’s huge paintings of cats. People had realised that cats’ eternal souls help to raise the spiritual frequency of their surroundings and acts as a bridge between humans and higher realities. August had indeed painted the souls of cats. The viewers stood transfixed in front of the pictures and meditated.

The fiends left the museum and set off towards the river. A pleasant summer wind was blowing, and energy moved without the slightest effort. By the riverbank Vilen had built a 9 m high red wooden stupa. It was positively radiating cosmic energy. On the other side of the river they could see the city; tall buildings resembling tomatoes and cucumbers formed a splendid glass composition. However, the stupa on their side of the river, was the dominant image of the composition. Thrusting upwards from the tall grass it constituted a kind of altar, on the steps of which people had placed various sacrificial gifts. Groups of kneeling and praying peole could be seen near the tower.

The friends moved on and arrived at the recently completed Astoria town hall, which stood in the vicinity of ancient ziggurats. The building with a round plan and resembling an upright egg, was indeed most impressive. Work rooms and offices were located at the outer edge of the circle, whereas the enormous central part was left empty for townspeople. The upper top of the egg was of glass, emanating light into the grand interior: glass lifts connecting balconies, hanging gardens, glowing metal bodies with small halls inside, fountains and big palm trees. Diagonal bridges raced across the circle and offered a splendid viewing point.

Different planes were adorned with innumerable sculptures, paintings and aquariums. A large open amphitheatre was located in the middle of the composition. The clairvoyant Ursula was giving a lecture there at the very moment. She said that a quantum leap had taken place in the development of humankind. The Universe had sent billions of pure souls to planet Earth, who became indigo and crystal children, and together with the inhabitants of the planet who had survived the intellectual awakening, they formed the critical mass of enlightened people. Quantity turned into quality and thus a new human species was born, who perceived the Universe as one energetic whole. Since everything is connected with everything else, people felt that criticism, competition and envy are pointless. They were set to cooperate. And indeed – they faced a huge task of building up a planet that had been damaged by negativity. New man used new type of energy LOVE 363 that made everything possible. The friends listened to Ursula with keen interest and then left the town hall. The old power plant with a huge chimney was turned into a culture house and string music wafted out of the windows. The Astoria symphony orchestra was performing music that described the movement of stars.

The immediate vicinity of the power plant was also a weird town of ruins. Various deciduous trees, creeping plants and colourful bushes were growing amongst the old industrial buildings, water plane hangars and the previous prison with its star-shaped plan. There were stupas and energy towers everywhere. The cones resembling the American Indian tipis accommodated people. There were small allotments between the cones. Lone horses, sheep and goats were wandering around. Looking at all that, Marco said thoughtfully: “We remember the town of the first generation where man depended only on nature. The town of the second generation was industrial, where man forgot his relations with nature and focused solely on himself. Now we inhabit the town of the third generation, where nature takes over the abandoned artificial environment. Ruins created by man become part of nature.” The friends knew that Marco was building artificial ruins in the eastern part of the planet, and listened to him with great respect.

They then encountered small Alberto, who was holding the special issue of Epifanio. He was accompanied by Cat Basilio, Fox Alice and poet Andrus E, who a long time ago had been a criminal. Together they passed a white Gothic church, surrounded by a circular avenue. The road was lined by conical oaks and full of joyful town dwellers. Some were roller-skating, bicycling, some were jogging, some just enjoyed walking. Thus they reached a rocky plateau, from where a steep mountain ridge descended towards the ocean. The ridge was covered with white, blue and ochre cubes, semi-globes and cylindrical arched houses. These buildings formed a geometrical cluster, whence streets ran down to the beach. Busy cafes, art galleries and temples were located on the street terraces. The friends stepped into a glass lift and soon found themselves on a stony beach. There they saw the former gangster Fred, who conducted light meditation with the students. Sitting in a wide circle they repeated the magical syllable OM. Beyond, artist Soho built a labyrinth with pebbles and everyone knew that another temple of light would emerge. Ocean waves roared, and bird song could be heard from above.

Steiner opened his eyes and realised that he had seen a vision of the near future. He was certain that life on planet Earth would be just like that.


Vilen Künnapu